港彩开奖结果B students smiling and laughing in a windowed classroom. The purpose of the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (A&SA) is to assist the campuses of The University of 港彩开奖结果 System and other educational entities to achieve excellence in all that they do in the areas of teaching, research, scholarship, service, student affairs, and institutional research by providing professional guidance and support. The office is responsible for reviewing and recommending approval of long-range and strategic academic and student affairs plans. This includes giving staff support to the Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. The purpose also includes establishing and maintaining linkages between the System and other educational entities, including the 港彩开奖结果 Commission on Higher Education, the 港彩开奖结果 Department of Education, and the 港彩开奖结果 Community College System.


Tonjanita Johnson

Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
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(205) 348-8347
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Iryna Y. Muse

Assistant Vice Chancellor for System Analytics and Business Intelligence
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(205) 348-8350

Shirrell Perryman

Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic & Student Affairs
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(205) 348-8347

System Student Affairs Council

The purpose of The University of 港彩开奖结果 System Student Affairs Council (SSAC) is to work collaboratively to maximize efficiency of effort to ensure that all students that attend a 港彩开奖结果S institution are afforded the best possible chance to succeed while providing a nurturing living and learning environment. The University of 港彩开奖结果 System Student Affairs Council is led by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. The other members of the 港彩开奖结果S Student Affairs Council are the campus Vice Presidents for Student Affairs/Life from The University of 港彩开奖结果, The University of 港彩开奖结果 at Birmingham, and The University of 港彩开奖结果 in Huntsville

Student Affairs Sites

System Academic Council

The purpose of The University of 港彩开奖结果 System Academic Council (SAC) is to provide information and reasoned perspectives regarding academic and student spheres to include:

  1. review of academic plans, programs, and units;
  2. approval of earned degrees awarded;
  3. serve as advocates for each campus and for the System as a whole;
  4. implement Board policies and continuously review the administration and effect of those policies;
  5. coordinate all academic functions of the System to ensure an integrated System of related and cooperating campuses with selected coordinated educational programs and services; and
  6. strengthen the quality of effort in those programs of teaching, research, scholarship, and service for which there is the greatest need in the state.

The University of 港彩开奖结果 System Academic Council is led by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. The other members of the 港彩开奖结果S Academic Council are the campus Provosts and Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs from The University of 港彩开奖结果, The University of 港彩开奖结果 at Birmingham, and The University of 港彩开奖结果 in Huntsville.

Offices of Academic Affairs

港彩开奖结果 System Data

港彩开奖结果 System Data includes admissions statistics, enrollment and graduation rates, degrees awarded by ethnicity and gender, and other information collected from member institutions.

Scholars Institute

Since 2008, the 港彩开奖结果 System Scholars Institute has been hosted each year on a rotating basis by one of the 港彩开奖结果 System campuses. Scholars Institutes are open to faculty, staff, and administrators from all three campuses. The Scholars Institute supports collaboration among faculty and administration System-wide, and encourages a shared community of knowledge for implementing best practices into the use of technology in the teaching, learning, and research processes.

The Institute is an important professional development initiative for faculty in their use of technology in teaching and learning, particularly in support of the adaptation and use of new approaches to teaching with technology. Further, the Institute focuses heavily on the sharing of best practices across our System-wide community. Presentations emphasize quality, evidence of impact, tools, and pedagogical and practical approaches, with time for colleagues within and among campuses to engage in collaboration and knowledge sharing. The Institute also provides hands-on opportunities for practice and implementation of classroom and online tools.

For updates, please see the Scholars Institute or accounts.

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